St Piers School and College Students Really Take to Cage
The fantastic facilities at St Piers School and College in Lingfield was an ideal location for a couple of Cage Cricket sessions towards the end of term. The School and College are supported by the charity Young Epilepsy and provide educational opportunities for young people with this and other associated conditions.

Day 1 with Young Epilepsy
Some of the students had played cricket previously whilst others hadn’t had the chance. But all of the players took to the game really well and all enjoyed it. Specialist PE teacher, Steve Sunnucks (himself a representative cricketer in his youth) and his colleagues really liked the inclusive nature of Cage Cricket and the potential additional benefits the game and the Red Zone can offer.

Day 2 with Young Epilepsy
After an introduction to the basics of Cage Cricket, keyworker Donna Mullis was immediately enthused by the concept, “I like this game. We haven’t even started playing yet but I can see it will work really well”.